Thursday, January 2, 2014

High Gloss Conference Table with Painted Inlay Part 2

In part one I got the table ready to mask off the inlay line. I do this using 3M fine line masking tape #218.

I also like to use a plastic burnisher to make sure I don't get any bleed through of the black. Mine is an old one that used to be for transfer lettering. A plastic putty knife or a Konig Applicator would work fine as well. I don't like to use metal as it can score the wood.

Here you can see the fine line tape changes color when burnished so you can be sure it will not bleed. I apply the tape flush with my guide tape so the size will be consistent when complete.

I have masked both sides of my inlay line. You can see where the water based dye has bled under the tape that was not burnished. That is OK since that area will be painted black.

The black is a UTC Lamp Black added to the isolate which becomes the binder. I spray the black with a detail gun at low pressure very slowly. I don't want it to puddle and bleed under the tape. I then apply a seal coat of isolante on the entire top. As you can see in the bottom photo I have a nice clean line.

Part 3

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